If the SEC decides to act, the agency can slap S& P with a civil fine, force disgorgement of fees and or seek other appropriate equitable relief. 如果美国证交会最终决定提起起诉,则可能会对标准普尔处以民事罚款、非法所得费用赔偿或寻求其他适当的衡平法救济。
They should indicate any evidence in the existing record ( for it is too late to supplement the record) bearing on the question of injunctive or other equitable relief. 对于禁令救济或其它衡平法救济,他们应该只从目前的记录中寻找证据(提交补充材料的时间已经太晚)。
The classic remedy for copyright infringement is equitable relief. 传统的侵犯版权的救济是衡平法上的救济。
First, its basic gist is not rational. Second, its basic proceeding is not equitable. Third, its relief regulations are not perfect. Finally, its correlative means is not integrated. 主要问题是行政处分依据不合理、程序不公平、救济不完善、相关处理措施不配套;
Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect any equitable jurisdiction to refuse relief on the ground of acquiescence or otherwise. 本条例并不影响法院基于默许或其它理由拒绝济助的衡平法司法管辖权。
Any claim for advance execution, property preservation or other equitable relief may be brought in any court of competent jurisdiction through legal proceedings; 任何先于执行、财产保全或者其他平等救济的要求可以通过法律程序向任何有合法管辖权的法院提出;
A party must not commence Court proceedings or arbitration in relation to any dispute unless it has been referred to an Independent Expert, except to seek urgent interim or equitable relief. 除了寻求紧急临时协定或公正的调解外,在未经咨询独立鉴定人以前,一方当事人不能对任何争议启动法庭程序或仲裁。
But because these equitable remedies were considered to be extraordinary, they were only available where the remedy at law could be shown to be inadequate, and money damages remained the standard kind of relief. 但是因为衡平救济被认为是一种特别救济,所以只有在普通法救济不足的时候才能适用,而救济的标准方式仍然是金钱给付的损害赔偿。
However, equitable relief regularly will lie only when the common law relief is inadequate. 但是衡平救济一般是在普通法救济不足时才得以适用。
And it also demonstrates the equitable relief: rescission and injunction. 此外,还论述衡平法上的两种责任方式:撤销交易和禁令。
The theoretical basis of the principle is the maxim of equity that "Equity looks on that as done which ought to be done", as well as the specific performance of the equitable relief. 衡平法转化原则的理论基础为衡平法视应为之事为已为的衡平法格言,以及实际履行之衡平法救济。